Transform Your Life: 12 Genius Hacks Guaranteed to Simplify Your Everyday!

You live and you learn, and you find some pretty amazing things along the way.  However, there are still plenty of hacks to make life easier that you haven’t discovered yet. From simply cleaning your keyboard to applying eyeliner, these tricks of the trade will make your life a lot better. So, stop missing out on these genius ways to make things easier.  And start living your best life today.

1. Chill wine with frozen grapes

If you want to chill your wine, but not dilute the flavor, try sticking some frozen grapes in your glass instead of ice cubes.

2. Wine ice cubes

Cooking with wine just got a whole lot easier.  Simply reach into your freezer and defrost just the right amount of wine to make a killer pasta sauce.

3. Pen spring protection

Adding a pen spring around your cord will keep the ends from fraying.  All you need to protect those phone and laptop cords.

4. Post-it notes on a keyboard

Running the sticky side of a post-it note along your keyboard will help remove bits of food, bits of grime, etc.

5. Rubber band around a paint can

Remove excess paint from your brush by placing a rubber band around the open paint can.  Genius.

6. Check your cell phone while house-hunting

Make sure you’ve got cell service while you’re house hunting  You don’t want to go to a place where you can’t take calls.

7. Fix the flip-flop

If you’ve ever had flip-flops pop out while walking, you’re going to enjoy this simple hack.  But, you’ll probably be a little upset that you didn’t think of it sooner.

8.  Cut the perfect cinnamon roll with floss

Believe it or not, dental floss will help you slice dough with ease, giving you perfectly shaped cinnamon rolls, cookies, and more.

9. Apply eyeliner with a spoon

Holding a spoon over your lid will help guide you so you get a perfect line every time.

10. Keep track of bobby pins

Keeping bobby pins in a Tic Tac container means they’re easy to throw in your bag and easy to keep track of  Bobby pins have a way of disappearing, but not with this nifty trick.

11. Easy to pour dressings

Instead of removing the foil from the dressing or oil, pierce it instead.  That way you don’t have the dressing coming out of the bottle too quickly again.  Just think of all the calories you’ll save. This is also a great tip for things like vegetable oil, alcohol, and mineral oil.

12. Easily deliverable snacks

By placing Cheerios, trail mix, and more in an empty coffee creamer bottle, you can easily pour just the right amount to keep your toddler entertained (and full). Not only are they great for indoor storage, but also great for keeping at the park, in your car pocket, or on the boat, as it keeps snacks from getting smushed.

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