How to Plan Your Life Goals and Stick to the Plan

Where do you want to be 5 years from now, 10 years from now, or this time next year? These places are your goal destinations and even though you know you don’t want to stay where you are now, it’s not always easy to identify what your real goals are. Many people think that setting a goal destination is a dream that is far away. The future exists but will never be achieved. This proves to be a self-fulfilling prophecy for two reasons. First, the goal is not specifically defined enough in the first place; And secondly, it remains a distant dream waiting for action that is never taken.

1. Make a list of your target destinations

The target destination is the important thing for you. Another word for them would be ambitions, but ambitions sound like something that is beyond your grasp, whereas goals are definitely attainable if you are willing to put in the effort to work towards them. So what do you really want to do with your life? What is the main thing that you want to accomplish with your life? If you suddenly found that you had limited time left on earth, would you really regret not doing it?
Each of these things is a goal. Define each goal destination in one sentence. If any of these goals is a stepping stone to one of the goals, remove it from this list because it is not a goal destination.

2. Think about the time frame for achieving the goal

This is where 5-year, 10-year, next-year planning comes in. Know the difference between a short-term goal and a long-term goal.  Some goals will have a “shelf life” due to age, health, finances, etc., while others will depend on you when you want to achieve them.

3. Write down your goals clearly

Write each goal destination at the top of a new piece of paper. For each goal, write down what you need and don’t have right now that will allow you to achieve that goal.  It could be some kind of education, career change, financing, a new skill, etc.  Any “step” goals you remove will fit this exercise.  If any of these smaller “goals” have sub-goals, go through the same process with these so you have specific action points to work on.

4. Write down what you need to do for each goal

Under each item listed, write down what you need to do to complete each step necessary to complete the goal.  These items will become a checklist.  They are a practical way to check how you are progressing towards reaching your target destination.  A record of your success.

5. Write your deadline with specific and realistic dates

Using the time frame you created, write down the year you will complete the goal on the destination sheet for each goal.
For any goal that doesn’t have a specific completion date, think about when you want to accomplish it and use that as your target date. Work within a time frame for each target destination, making a note of realistic dates by which you can achieve each milestone. Complete the steps.

6. Determine your to-do

Now take an overview of all your goal destinations and create a schedule of what you need to do this week, this month, and this year to move along the road to your goal destination. Write these action points on a schedule, so you have specific dates by which things need to be done.

7. Use your reticular activating system to achieve your goals

In this lifehack vlog, learn how you can hack your brain with the Reticular Activation System (RAS) and reach your goals more efficiently.

8. Review your progress

At the end of the year, review what you have done this year, mark items from the checklist for each target destination, and write a schedule with the action points you need for the next year. Although it may take you several years, for example, To get that promotion because you first need to get an MBA which means getting a job with more money to allow you to finance a part-time degree course, you will eventually succeed in achieving your target destination because you know not only what you want, but how.  Plans what needs to be achieved and is active towards achieving it.

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